I want to share with you my favorite New Year's Eve movie moment from one of my all time favorite movies.
"When Harry Met Sally" I cry every time! Who's with me? Does anyone have a favorite New Year's Eve moment in a film they want to share?
I'm going to try to spend the day reflecting back on my year. I've said it before, I feel so blessed and so thankful for all the good things that have happened this past year. I made some bold choices and I'm amazed by what can be accomplished in a year. I want to keep living life this way, it helps to have Tyler in my corner cheering me on. We are so blessed with incredibly supportive families and friends. Let's make a promise to ourselves to live life to the fullest in 2010. Take risks! Be bold! Leap without a net! And if you're already doing this, keep doing it!
Oh lil' doodles! Happy New Year to each and every one of you! May this year ahead be the best year yet!
Break out the bubbly and get ready to dance!
I'll give you 3 choices for this end of the year dance.
I think this song is a good inspirational tune, you'll want to get your dukes up and Lose Yourself.
This second choice is just a feel good favorite and is going to be mantra this year! Let the sunshine in!
And this song just because I feel like it's my 2009 theme song! If you know me well, you know that I'm Too Legit! Dance with me sucka!
And remember this, "It's not about weathering the storm but learning how to dance in the rain."
Happy New Year my dears!
Alison xo