Well hello everyone, it's been a while hasn't it?!! Here I am and oh how I've missed you so...
Sooo much exciting news to share! Coriander Girl is collaborating with Urban Harvest!! Toronto's first organic urban agricultural business. You remember them up on Sorauren last year. Colette Murphy, proprietor extraordinaire, and her team Thea and Jordan will be here from now until July. They have organic seeds, soil, soaps and in the back garden, plants!! I simply could not be more excited to welcome Colette(possibly my twin), and her sweetest girls T and J! These women seriously rule.
Calling all green thumbs, purple thumbs whatever your level of experience is come get inspired and then get planting! I'm not sure there is anything more rewarding then watching your wee seedlings grow. The dirtier my nails get, I know I've had a good summer.
Tomatoes, peppers and herbs oh my! Just to name a few.
seedlings fill me with so much promise
More to come!!
Alison xoxo