Like a little bee I buzz about. I liken myself to a bee because technically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly because of it's wing span to body size ratio. But, the kicker is, the bee doesn't know that so it just keeps on flying.
I'm not implying that I'm over weight. It's a mental thing. With all my inner criticisms and fears about not being good enough, that could be somewhat debilitating, right? But rather, I say, "Poop!" I'm gonna keep on flyin' and not pay any attention to all that nonsense because in the end it's usually ourselves that hold us back from our greatest accomplishments. Why on earth would I want to do that?
This little doodle bee lost his life in my store window recently. There wasn't time to resuscitate him. I hope he's found his eternal garden of delicious flowers.
So I challenge all of you to stand up to that inner critic who tells you that you aren't good enough. Do something fabulous and shut it up.
As for my 365 outfit project, I wore a belt yesterday!
Watch out fashion world, here I come!
Peace out.
Cori G xo
ohhh...i hope one day to do as you have done and believe I am capable of following my ambitions...always inspired...thank you.
Right on! Thanks, I needed that little bit of motivation this morning. Have a great day!
You are so right Lady C and thanks for the motivation. Love the flower shots. For now have a buzzzzzzing weekend!...Sinead x
Wonderful white and blue flowers - are they lisianthus (sp?)??
I totally hear you with this post, my own inner critic veers it's head sometimes - more than I'd like - but it's taking the leap, the next step that turns the volume down on that nagging voice!
P.S. Love the arrangement by the way.
Yes they are, aren't they beautiful! And blue campanula. This is one of my favorites. I'll try to remember to say what's in things next time!
Just a belt? Sexy!
These are beautiful, Alison! I just posted a photo of the arrangement you made for me last week...
So nice, thanks again!!
I really dream of a store like yours! Thanks for your are right!
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