So, I offended my parents with the vintage porn. Oh gosh. Mom, Pop, I'm sorry. I thought the photograph was rather arty. You know, long before I was arranging flowers I was taking photographs. I guess I forget sometimes that this is a little blog about a flower shop but I've always been extremely candid and thought this was what people liked about it. I hope I didn't offend anyone else. I do apologize if I did. For the record, I think all forms of affection are lovely as long as no one's getting hurt. Perhaps the sentiment "F*@# I love you", was a bit crass but I thought it was passionate. If you're so moved by how much you love someone that you have to swear about it, that's pretty great in my mind. If you've been following the blog, you've been privy to the gangsta rap links. Perhaps it was shocking for my parents because they still have dial up and have never clicked on these links before because they take far too long to load. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that I've probably been offending people from the beginning, they just didn't know it. I'd love to open up a discussion about this. Did you feel offended? If so, why? Not to rock the boat further but I quickly did up this censored version and honestly this kind of censorship offends me more. Kids are blowing each other up on X boxes across the country but some good ol' fashion porn is making us uncomfortable?Something tells me I'm going to have to send another apology to my pop. I wish I could stick to flowers and furniture but this blog has become my outlet, maybe I'm crossing too many lines? Does my blog actually require a disclaimer? Frankly, I find some of the Hall and Oats hair styles from recent posts far more offensive than the porn. Sorry Oats.
Alison :/
I loved it and the swearing cracked me up! Seriously - nice to see people who aren't waxed head to toe - thanks darlin!
My reaction: jaw dropped for 3 seconds and quickly scrolled down to look at other pics... jus wasn't quite expecting sth so graphic.
It's ur blog, and even though I doesn't really know how to appreciate that form of art, I think u r free to write watever u want (since the pics don't really 'hurt' anyone). N I see ur point being it's ur outlet of thoughts.. If someone feels that offended, then it's their choice whether to continue following your blog (I know I will). Jus be prepared that there will be some negative comments since it's not exactly conventional. Jus my thoughts..
N oh, I am quite curious, were those for sale at ur shop on Vday? How did the customers react?
Thanks for your comments, I should put it in context for you. The little vintage porn cards were given to me to hand out to advertise a friends comedy show. I displayed them in my vintage calculator but only facing me.
Just wanted to say Hello. I picked up a little $5 bouquet last Wednesday and brought it to my new mom friend. She loved it! Your friend whom I'm assuming you were handing out the comedy cards for, handed me one while in your shop and it gave me a little chuckle... the only thing about it being on your blog is if my son is sitting beside me while surfing the net . . . (usually watching tv or something) but if he glanced over I would have to X the page. But other than that, it really is your blog, but it might offend some people for sure.
I should be more mindful of what I write in my blog. i feel terrible for having offended people. I know I'm free to write whatever I want but I should have thought that one through a little better. This blog is public, and just because I'm comfortable with something, doesn't mean everyone else will be.
Do not apologise! I love it, vintage porn on vday, why didn't I think of that?!
Hot seller and rare find. Genius!
I think this is hysterical and I am going to follow up on this for next Valentines Day! (I have a sick sense of humor as well!)
I've been going through all your posts and LOVE your blog! You and your site are adorable...
Thanks for posting!
Caitlin @ That House on the Corner
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