It's only 12 more sleeps until Tyler and I are limbo-ing all over Central America! Now I'm picture us in a montage of limbo moments to the song Kokimo. I have a lot to accomplish before I get on that plane and I need to get it all done in order to feel like I've urned the right to leave for a week. I'm actually pretty good at turning work off and being in the now and once we're cruising the southern seas, I won't have much of a choice. I've compiled a list of "to do's" before we go and blogging them makes me a little bit more accountable. Drum roll please.
1. Finish writing a very important proposal
2. Clean the shop from top to toe, scrub every nook and cranny
3. Designate someone to water shop plants
4. Bikini wax (maybe this should be at the top of my list)
5. Think of more things that need to be added to the list of things that need accomplishing
And then Hadu showed up with her owner! She is clearly in the running to becoming Coriander Girl's next top doodle! Those eyes could sink a thousand ships. I mean launch! Ha!
How exciting for you guys! I'm maxi jelosa! And ps. I think that Barclay and Tallulah need to visit in order to be in the running for next top doodle noodles!!
t. xo
I love your photographs on your blog, they're really beautiful
Hello! I'm the Erica who just spoke to you on the phone. Thanks again for your help. Have a great trip!
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