Ladies and gentlemen a round of applause for Mr. Paul Westlake.
The night we showed dad the space, I said, 'can we take up the floors and pull off some drywall?' He's always been supportive but admits to being sceptical about the floor, later he revealed he was beyond proud of me for sticking to my guns.
I broke down in tears one or two nights behind my mask because the job was so gruelling, dad assured me we would look back on it and laugh. Tyler really took the lead on the floor project, he may not laugh about it as soon as dad and me.
Jump ahead to the 400 pound sink installation. I fell in love with this gorgeous beast from Addison Plumbing just up off Sorauren. Jim the owner is an absolute delight and really came through for me on this. He built the taps from old parts to create something that could accommodate our very tall buckets. I'd say it's one hell of a show stopper. Thanks to Uncle John and Tyler for assisting on this wild project. Dad's proud to say I helped him lift it into place and mount it on the wall. I think he's got super human strength!
Getting close to the wire, I make a judgement call. There is not enough time to finish the baseboards so we're just going to have to live with that. Cut to the morning of the grand opening and keep in mind we've been working steady for over 48 hours, dad sneaks out at 6am to go the shop and finish the job to surprise me! Seriously!! How amazing is that?!!
2:45pm, 15 minutes away from the grand reveal. Dad and I start removing the paper from the windows. Mom jumped in to help which was so amazing to have her come to Toronto with her dear friend cindy and Tyler's amazing mama Penny(appetizers extraordinaire!!) Thanks Penny for all that food!
Isn't mama cute?!
A window cleaning and a loving gesture from diddy, we had a good laugh on either side of the glass. A project comes to fruition and we're still smiling.
I'm head over heels in love with Coriander Girl's new home. It feels like we've been here forever.
The first arrangements made in the new space. I can't believe how much room we have to work, it's a dream!
Dad, you continue to inspire and amaze me.
Alison xo
We sure do better in this life if we have a supportive dad. happy that you do! Great post.
nI don't know your dad but I too was brought to tears by his love for you. Love your new place Alison.
WOW! Well, if I had to guess I'd say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He taught you to be like him, and someday you'll be there for the Coriander Kiddos!
Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you
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The new shop is so gorgeous! And your Dad is so wonderful for helping you bring it all together. That's what Dad's are best at! (Currently, my Dad is helping my sister build a kitchen in her new house- yay Dads!).
Just beautiful! You have a lovely blog, and I'm a new follower! ♥
Anne :)
BEAUTIFUL! I am drooling over those floors...and the daybed...and the get the point. Such a wonderfully orchestrated space made with love. I wish you every success.
Dad's rock. It's amazing what they do for us. This weekend, I mentioned a rattle in the back of the van, and asked for a wrench. Two hours later, he'd completely reassembled the shelving. I had more fun in those hours than my entire week. When he tells me he's proud of me, I don't know if he realizes how much that means to me. I'm sure any dad would see what you've accomplished and be proud of you too. I haven't figured out how to repay them for all they do. If you figure it out, let me know.
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