I'm grateful for the boat loads of love in my life.
I'm grateful for my little shop of flowers.
I'm grateful for friends who show me unconditional love even though I haven't been there for all the triumphs in their lives lately.
I'm grateful for sunshine and even for the rain as it encourages more springtime bloomage.
I'm grateful for grapefruit.
I'm grateful for our littlest doodle, Harry Hogan.
I'm grateful for this magnificent fellow beside me, he's one amazing human to have by your side.
And I'm grateful for you dear reader, it's really rewarding writing my little blog.
Alison xo
Look how cute your shop window is!! I am grateful to "know" you. Keep it up lady xoxo
Lady C..glad to see you got yourself out of the dumps. Turn up the radio and play some good tunes and dance...dance I say! Brill pictures btw..Sinead x
love your little flower shop! i am grateful for your and it's existence in this great city!
I've just discovered your website and blog, thanks to Sue at Second Bloom - I just picked up some furniture from her for a new little shop of my own in Hamilton. Your flowers are really beautiful, and the perfect way to cheer up in this icky weather! Next time I'm in the city I'll come by to visit & shop - I used to live just around the corner in Roncey. Ahhh, the nostalgia...
Alison, that first bouquet is incredible! I'm so in love with those French Anemones. Thanks for writing such a sweet post to read! See you soon! Enjoy that spring sunshine!
Your work is beautiful Al. Much much to be grateful for.
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