Hello City Dwellers (GTA included),
We are so pleased to announce our last four workshops until next winter. Wedding season is knocking at our door so we figured we better squeeze a few more in before our workshop space is turned into a wedding abyss.
We are so pleased to announce our last four workshops until next winter. Wedding season is knocking at our door so we figured we better squeeze a few more in before our workshop space is turned into a wedding abyss.
Garden Style Hand Tied Bouquets: April 4th, 2:00pm-4:00pm, SOLD OUT $100 Per person
Learn how to make a hand tied bouquet with a garden inspired Coriander flare. We will be teaching how to achieve a loose, flowing hand tied bouquet and how to build your bicep muscles (just kidding about the last part). All material, floral shears, light snacks and tea will be provided.
Centrepiece 101: April 18th, 2:00pm-4:00pm SOLD OUT $150 Per person
Learn how to design a centrepiece in a beautiful footed glass vase. We will walk you through every step from taping to greening to blooming. The workshop will include all materials, a pair of floral sheers and some tasty treats.
B.Y.O.B Floral Soiree: April 25th, 4:00pm-6:00pm SOLD OUT *Second date added* April 24th 6:00pm-8:00pm SOLD OUT, $75 Per person
Because our "Single Ladies" Valentine's Day workshop was such a hoot we decided to do it all over again. This workshop is all about having a fun easy going night out with your girlfriends. We will talk about design basics, but mostly, we will just have fun. You will be able to take home a large mason jar arrangement. Materials and floral shears will be provided but this is a B.Y.O.B event and we will all chip in to bring snacks. Trust me, this is not a workshop you will want to miss.
To sign up, email workshops@coriandergirl.com or call 416-551-9166. Please note that all workshops will take place at our wedding studio which is located at 77 Florence St. Unit 204.
I cannot wait to meet you!
To sign up, email workshops@coriandergirl.com or call 416-551-9166. Please note that all workshops will take place at our wedding studio which is located at 77 Florence St. Unit 204.
I cannot wait to meet you!
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