We know winter is dragging on, and we also know it is time for you to get out of the house and bring home some hope for spring. We will be teaching you how to make spring planters which can later be repurposed as a window box. Gorgeous long wooden planters, spring bulbs, potting material and snacks will be provided.
February 14th: All My Single Ladies ($75/person or $150 for you and your single pal)
Calling all single ladies, we are going to turn up the Beyonce and really get down to some floral design business. There is no point in being down about not receiving flowers on Valentines Day, we will make our own! Nothing says ladies night like sweets and B.Y.O.B. We will be designing in mason jars and all materials will be provided along with floral sheers.
February 21st: Centrepiece 101 ($150/person)
Learn how to design a centrepiece in a beautiful footed glass vase. We will walk you through every step from taping to greening to blooming. The workshop will include all materials, a pair of floral sheers and some tasty treats.
Learn how to design a centrepiece in a beautiful footed glass vase. We will walk you through every step from taping to greening to blooming. The workshop will include all materials, a pair of floral sheers and some tasty treats.
February 28th: Flower Crown Mechanics ($125/person)
We will teach you the mechanics behind making our famous flower crowns. Whether it is a "dainty band with a large floral cluster on the side" or a "full on crown of blooms" we have got you covered. All materials will be provided along with snacks.
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